Conditions of participation - video rating

  1. In order to participate in this sweepstakes, you must accept these terms and conditions.
  2. The customer is asked after a few days after receipt of the goods via e-mail whether he wants to rate the goods. In the email there is a note that if you upload your own review video, no matter how long, you will have the opportunity to participate in a prize draw. To win there is once in the month a surprise package in the value of 200€. The draw is random and it is always drawn in the first week of a month.
  3. The prizes will be drawn from among all participants, unless otherwise specified in the description of the procedure. Answers received later will not be considered. UAB Makosas is not responsible for delays in data transmission.
    1. If entries, photos or videos are submitted for the purpose of participating in the competition (if advertised as such), the participant, by participating in the competition, grants UAB Makosas the non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free right, unlimited in terms of space and content, to use these, in addition to competition purposes, for editorial or promotional purposes (e.g. in a program trailer on air or digital on the UAB Makosas stations as well as as as a post or tweet on their Facebook or Twitter account) and to reproduce the entry, edit it or convert it to other media.(e.g. in a program trailer on air or digitally on the UAB Makosas stations and as a post or tweet on their Facebook or Twitter account) and to reproduce, edit, redesign, distribute, broadcast or make the entry publicly available.
    2. The participant undertakes not to upload any videos, photos or texts that infringe the copyright, personal rights or trademark rights of third parties or that violate competition law or other laws. Furthermore, he/she undertakes to respect the right to his/her own image and not to upload any photos of persons who have not given him/her their express consent. The legal responsibility in this respect lies exclusively with the participant.
  4. The winner will usually be notified by sending an email about the further processing of the sweepstakes. Occasionally, the prize is sent directly instead of an email notification. In the case of competitions via a social network (e.g. Facebook), notification is made via a message to the participant's profile (private message, pinboard entry or similar form of notification). If incorrect data has been provided as part of the participation in the sweepstakes, in particular the e-mail address, which does not allow UAB Makosas to contact the winner or winners, all claims to the prize will be forfeited and a new winner will be determined by lottery.
  5. Any natural person who has reached the age of 18 and is resident in Germany, Austria or Switzerland is entitled to participate. Minors are excluded from participation.
  6. It is allowed to enter the competition more than once per participant.
  7. The winner has to contact us within three days after announcement by mail for further processing when sending an email or notification via his profile. If this deadline is not met, all claims to the prize will be forfeited and a new winner will be drawn by lot. UAB Makosas reserves the right to extend this period, depending on the competition, in favor of the winner at its own discretion and to determine a new winner only after a maximum of 14 working days. Winning claims are not transferable. Cash payment of non-cash prizes or similar - for whatever reason - is excluded. UAB Makosas reserves the right to replace prizes in kind or similar with equivalent alternatives.
  8. Employees, authorized representatives, legal successors and agents of UAB Makosas as well as of the respective cooperation partner, involved agencies, as well as their respective first and second degree relatives and household members are not eligible to participate and win.
  9. UAB Makosas reserves the right to exclude persons from the competition in the event of a breach of these conditions of participation and in the event of untrue personal details. UAB Makosas is also entitled to exclude persons from participation in the competition who use unauthorized aids or otherwise obtain advantages through manipulation.
  10. UAB Makosas reserves the right to cancel or terminate the competition at any time without prior notice and without giving reasons. UAB Makosas will make use of this possibility in particular if, for technical reasons (e.g. viruses in the computer system, manipulation or errors in the hardware and/or software) or for legal reasons, proper implementation of the competition cannot be guaranteed.
  11. The winner or winners will be decided by lot, unless otherwise described in the procedure. Only one prize is possible per participating person in a competition, unless multiple prizes are expressly permitted.
  12. The prizes will be sent by UAB Makosas or its partner by mail, courier, parcel service or forwarding agent to the postal address provided by the winner, unless UAB Makosas expressly declares in the competition description that it will not be responsible for shipping. If this is not the case, this will be expressly stated in the competition description.
  13. UAB Makosas shall be released from all obligations at the latest upon delivery of the prize, unless an earlier point in time results from these conditions of participation.
  14. In the case of such prizes that are provided by various partners (prize sponsors/cooperation partners), UAB Makosas will not be obliged to perform itself. Who is a partner is explained in the respective description of the sweepstakes. Partner is not a third party in the sense of these conditions of participation. The personal data of the winner(s) will be forwarded to Partner for non-commercial purposes so that Partner can send the winners the prize.
  15. UAB Makosas shall not be liable for any material and/or legal defects in the prizes sponsored by the Partner.
  16. In the case of travel prizes, there is no entitlement to a specific travel date. Travel to and from the destination as well as any costs incurred during the trip (minibar, telephone, etc.) are private costs of the participant and are not covered by UAB Makosas. This applies unless otherwise regulated in the prize details (above).
  17. UAB Makosas is not liable for the insolvency of a partner and any consequences resulting from this for the online competition and the payment or delivery of prizes.
  18. UAB Makosas shall only be liable for damages caused by UAB Makosas or one of its vicarious agents intentionally or through gross negligence or through the violation of cardinal obligations. This does not apply to damages caused by injury to life, body and/or health and claims arising from the Product Liability Act.
  19. UAB Makosas collects, processes and stores only such personal data as is necessary for the execution and processing of the competition and only for the duration of the competition. The personal data will not be passed on to third parties (neither for commercial nor for non-commercial purposes, unless this is necessary for the prize processing) and will not be used for any advertising purposes. UAB Makosas guarantees that all personal data will be treated confidentially in accordance with the applicable German Data Protection Act (BDSG). Further information on the subject of data protection can be found at www.UAB Participation can be revoked during the participation period at In addition to the name, the revocation should also include the specific competition.
  20. The legal process is excluded.
  21. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply.
  22. If any of these Terms and Conditions of Participation are or become invalid, the validity of the remaining Terms and Conditions of Participation shall not be affected.
  23. These terms and conditions may be changed by UAB Makosas at any time without separate notification.